People & Teamwork

Mastering Motivation: Goal setting

Mastering Motivation Goal setting
Mastering Motivation Goal setting


A properly defined goal is half the battle. In the right conditions, it should stimulate effort, have a positive impact on perseverance, guide our actions, and encourage us to develop strategies; in other words, simply look for ways to achieve the goal. It is important for us to gather the necessary information, realize all the possibilities, and make plans. A clearly defined goal serves as motivation for these actions and makes it easier to accomplish the intended work. First, I will focus on the types of goals, namely, short-term and long-term goals. I will talk about the differences between setting goals by ourselves and by others and how it affects our involvement in work. Finally, I will focus on the importance of imagination in pursuing a goal. Enjoy reading!

Short-term and long-term goals

Have you ever had a situation in your life where you dreamed of achieving something important to you, getting your desired job, being accepted into university, or going on exotic vacations? I guess the answer is yes, and at the same time, I can tell you that what made you successful are the smaller goals that you consciously or unconsciously set for yourself. It is important to distinguish between types of goals and their functions; this will help in setting and achieving them.

Short-term goals are related to the immediate future. By achieving them, we are capable of reaching a distant goal, such as getting the desired job in our example. We can reach that point by improving our qualifications in various ways, completing a course - a short-term goal, or completing one task from the course - an even closer goal. By breaking down our goals into more realistic ones, our motivation to take action will not decrease, we will know what to do, and we will not be stuck. We can do this individually or with the help of others.

Setting goals by ourselves and by others and involvement

I think it is quite clear that goals we set for ourselves motivate us more strongly than those set by others. But what lies behind it? There are two reasons.

Imagine sitting at a school desk in a math class and receiving simple calculations to solve. Maybe for the first 5 minutes, it will be an engaging activity, but after a while, you will feel bored because it will be too easy for you. Similarly, if the task you receive is difficult, you may get discouraged at the very beginning when you don't know how to approach it. You know yourself and your abilities best, and that allows you to set an optimal goal for yourself, not too difficult, not too easy.

The second reason why goals set by ourselves motivate us more is the fact that we pay more attention to actions we take on our own initiative. Remember a situation where a parent "asked you" to clean your room, and then a situation where you invited friends and "decided" to clean that room. Do you feel the difference?

Using imagination in pursuing a goal

Our imagination can be a tremendously important aspect in motivating ourselves to achieve set goals. The key is not to imagine what will happen when we achieve the set goal, but rather what to do to achieve that goal. It is called mental simulation, imagining an event or series of events. With the eyes of imagination, we can see ourselves taking a series of carefully thought-out actions, and when it comes time for real action, we feel as if we have already done it before. For example, a professional dancer may choreograph a new dance routine in their mind and then try out the imagined movements in the studio.

Additionally, research shows that goals should be aligned with motivation, not the other way around. If we perform activities we enjoy while striving for a goal, we derive a lot of satisfaction from the process and feel happier. Let's remember that often the proverbial journey is the best reward.


To summarize, setting goals can be a key element in achieving success, so it is important for us to know how to do it. Short-term goals and long-term goals have their functions and support motivation at different levels, while setting goals by ourselves motivates us more strongly than when others do it for us. Properly utilizing our imagination plays an important role in pursuing a goal, and aligning it with our motivations brings greater satisfaction and happiness.